Make-IT Place
Looking for a fun tech project for you, your club or your classroom? Explore Make-IT Place, a unique virtual maker space, and learn how to:

- Make a Raspberry Pi webserver
- Design your own 3D keychain with Tinkercad
- Create an animated sprite in Piskel
- Use Scratch to program an interactive game
- And more!
You'll find bite-sized lessons and videos created by a community of makers that present easy STEM projects in a step-by-step, moderated online environment.
Make-IT Place offers a safe, secure online community exchange of ideas, lesson plans and activities to increase technology literacy for users of all ages across Maryland. Jump in and see what you can do!
Share Your Creations
If you've created your own step-by-step STEM projects, set up an account and upload them to Make-IT Place for others learn from.
About Make-IT Place
Made possible by an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant to the Maryland State Library in support of the Library Services and Technology Act, Make-IT Place is designed to facilitate both a broad exposure to, and deep understanding of, technology. The Make-IT Place is hosted by OER Commons, an Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) initiative. Browse and download projects without an account, or create one to post your own projects and comment on others.