Helpful Tax Filing Information
Tax season is here. In our role as a community connector, we are happy to share information to potentially ease your burden with your tax filing by providing helpful information, support and guidance. Once again, CASH Campaign is at our Randallstown Branch with tax preparation services for people with income under $67,000. To schedule an appointment online, click here.
Federal Programs
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has expanded a pilot program to allow people to file directly, and Maryland residents can now participate. Here are two options for filing with the IRS:
- IRS Free File: Qualified taxpayers can prepare and file federal income tax returns online using guided tax preparation software. It’s free, safe and easy. If you don’t qualify, Free File Fillable Forms are available. If you make less than $84,000 (adjusted gross income), you can file by visiting this page on the IRS’s website and follow the prompts to a partner tax preparation website for free filing.
- Direct File for free: This is the expanded pilot program that takes out the tax preparation companies. There is not an income limit. However, there are some instances (rental, gig economy or LLC/business income) where this would not be an appropriate tool to use. More information on whether Direct File is a good option can be found here (look for Maryland specifically).
Other services through the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs (usually community partners) that offer free assistance are available for people who:
- Make less than $67,000 per year
- Are disabled
- Speak limited English
- Are over the age of 60
Here is a list of what people should bring to appointments with VITA or TCE programs.
State Programs
The Comptroller of Maryland provides support for filing state taxes. Appointments can be in person or virtual. Help is also available via email at or by calling 1-800-MDTAXES.
Community Organizations
Here are organizations that offer free tax preparation assistance and guidance:
- AARP Foundation provides tax assistance to anyone, free of charge, with a special focus on taxpayers who are over 50 or have low to moderate income. Trained and IRS-certified volunteers are located nationwide.
- United Way’s My Free Taxes program aids anyone to file for free online. To have taxes prepared by a trained volunteer, you must make less than $60,000. Turnaround time is one to two weeks.
- CASH Campaign offers filing services for anyone who has an income less than $67,000 and includes both federal and state taxes. To schedule an appointment online, click here. Spanish information flyer can be found here.
- CASA provides assistance in preparing tax returns for people who speak English, Spanish and French. You must be a member of CASA for this service. To make an appointment, call 866-765-2272.
- MilTax offers free tax services through the Department of Defense for members who are in the National Guard, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and reserves and for spouses, survivors and transitioning service members.
- Economic Action Maryland has a Tax Credit Hotline that seeks to help Maryland seniors qualify for tax credits. The hotline is available at 443-961-6220.
Our collection has additional resources that may help you prepare your individual tax returns.